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With the continuous development of the global retail industry, the problem of improper store theft prevention in some regions has become increasingly prominent. Traditional anti-theft methods, such as electronic anti-theft systems (EAS), can no longer fully meet the needs of modern retailers. In this case, Shrink Analyzer data engine emerged to provide retailers with a brand new solution. Shrink Analyzer is designed for loss detection and analysis through UHF RFID solutions integrated with video processing technology. The system combines RFID data with corresponding video technology to provide retailers with real-time loss insights, helping them take preventive measures and reduce the risk of merchandise loss.

Shrink Analyzer has a wide range of applications. Store managers can adjust security strategies and improve in-store safety based on the analysis results provided by the system. Additionally, the system can indicate which items are vulnerable to theft, or under what conditions and circumstances. Retailers can use this information to take steps to improve the safety of specific products. Another great feature of Shrink Analyzer is the provision of real-time video evidence. When a lost item occurs, the system can go back and find relevant video evidence.

With the continuous advancement of RFID technology, the performance of RFID readers is becoming more and more powerful, but the problem that comes with it is that the problem of stray reading is becoming more and more serious. To solve this problem, this system uses a series of algorithms to filter out radio frequency noise and only capture tag readings when the items leave the store, and correlates the tag readings with the video, greatly improving the accuracy and reliability of the data.


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