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currently produces three types of low-voltage surge protectors:
T1(Surge protectors)
• This SPD device is installed on the line side of the main service entrance.
• Type-1 SPD features 10/350 μs current wave for outdoor applications.
• It protects against external surges caused by lightning strikes or due to switching of common capacitor banks. It is considered the first line of defense for your home or office.
• Built-in alarm system indicates when equipment needs to be replaced based on its life cycle. It is also called a secondary lightning arrester.
T2 (Surge protectors)
• This SPD device is installed on the load side of the main service entrance.
• T2 SPD is characterized by an 8/20 μs current wave.
• Used to protect branch circuits or service entrances from residual lightning energy, surges due to motors, and other surges.
•Its main function is to limit transient voltages and protect sensitive electronic devices and MP/Mc-based motherboards.
• It is used in commercial and industrial applications.
T3 (Surge protectors)
Can be used to add extra protection to appliances already covered by Type 1 or Type 2 SPD.
Recommended installation: Close to the equipment to be protected, especially if the cable length from the switch panel exceeds 10 meters.